Indie Calculator 💰

Indie Calculator is a tool for (aspiring) indie hackers to calculate what revenue they should be targeting

Think of this as what you might want your salary to be, or what it already is. All values are USD.
These are costs that you would have to pay regardless of how much revenue you're making. For example, landing page hosting, a domain name, a customer support tool, etc. Make a best guess if you're not sure. $100 per month is a good starting point for most indie hackers.
These are costs that you would have to pay for each user that you have. For example
  • if you expect to store 1GB of data per user, and your hosting charges $0.10 per GB, then this number would be $0.10.
  • If you also expect to send 100 emails per user per month, and your email provider charges $0.01 per email, then you would add $1.00 to this number.
  • If you think you can host 100 users on a $10/mo server, then you would add $0.10 to this number.
Based on the above examples, this number would be $1.20. If you had 100 users, then your total per user costs would be $120 per month.
Make a best guess if you're not sure.
This is the amount that you plan to charge your customers. If you plan to charge $10 per month, then this number would be $10. If you plan to charge $100 per year, then this number would be $8.33.
This is the amount that you plan to save for your company to reinvest or save for a rainy day. If you plan to save 10% of your self pay, then this number would be 10%.
Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)$NaN
Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)$NaN
Required User CountNaN
Per User Gross Margin$0
Per User Net Margin$NaN
Gross Profit$NaN
Your Self-Pay$50000
Net Profit (Gross Profit - Self-Pay)$NaN